Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bahama Mama

We finally scheduled our July vacation...just 18 days until we leave. Talk about cutting it close. I wanted to go somewhere tropical and fly there, not drive. I had tubes put in my ears last year so we could fly to Russia. Since Russia is a no go, I still have tubes and my ears are ready to fly. I can't see me keeping these things in my ears much longer, because I can't swim, without ear plugs...that means no underwater for me and I have to put the ear plugs in every time I take a shower. It's just inconvenient and since we don't travel much and hardly ever fly...this may be my one and only time to try them out. Where are we going? We will be flying to Miami, FL, stay the night, and cruise out of Miami to the Bahamas. We spend 2 days there, sail back home, for a short 3 day cruise. We did the 7 day cruise for our honeymoon and it was way too long. We spent so much time traveling and not as much time getting off the boat. I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas, and this way it will be cheaper to go by cruise ship, considering we won't be driving around the island, and we can eat on the ship. It's just a short 5 day trip, but I think it will be fun. Robert doesn't care, as long as we are together. Awww... We love to snorkel and even bought snorkel gear after we came home from the honeymoon. We've yet to use them, so they are going to the Bahamas, too. Unfortunately my ear plugs are going, too. I'll be snorkeling with them. I had special swimming ones custom made to my ears, and I can't hear a thing with them in! Need to loose some weight soon, because that cruise ship breakfast buffet is the best and I know I'll need the room.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Today I had lunch with another friend, Brigitte. Brigitte and I met in 5th grade when she moved to our school and we were in Mr. Chesson's class. We became really good friends when we had our first jobs at Mann's Video our Senior Year. Good Memories! Brigitte and I hung out a lot in our crazier days, but I'm so happy that we had got in touch again, thanks to MySpace. She's in the teaching field too and her husband is from Arkansas, so we both have huge things in our life that are important to us. I'm so glad she is living her life for the Lord and being an awesome mother and wife. Those things are so important to me as well, and nothing could make me prouder as her friend. She just lives a few miles from us and I hope we get to spend more time with each other, now that we are back in BC. Thanks Brigitte for today; I had a BLAST! Can't wait to do it again.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seleina Jean

I just love the summer. I have yet to be really bored. This summer I have been so busy, but a good busy. I'm usually adjusted by now to sitting around doing much of nothing and sleeping late, past 9. For some reason I've been getting out of bed usually before 8, because I don't want to waste a day sleeping. By 8, I've already slept 9 hours. That's plenty! Usually after Robert leaves for work after 5:30 I usually have really wacky dreams that make no sense, anyway.
Today I had lunch with my best friend Seleina, and her 2 year old, Mariska. I missed Mariska's birthday last month because we were vacationing at the lake and I had a birthday gift to give. I had actually scheduled us to go to the lake before I got the invite- sorry! Seleina and I met in 6th grade in our Math class, so that would put us friends for over 19 years. WOW! She has been the one friend who has stuck with me through everything...everything. She knows all about me and accepts me for- me! Seleina is a dispatcher and I admire her dedication to our county. It's been hard being a Mom working shift work and I'm hoping bigger and better things come her way, soon! I love you Seleina Jean!

Friday, June 13, 2008

This is so sad! I'm a school teacher to 5 year olds and they go through 3-4 packs a crayons, each in a school year. Apparently I don't know more than the basics! This was fun to do, though!

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Thursday, June 12, 2008