Friday, April 4, 2008

How time flies!

I can't believe it's been a month since I blogged! We've been very busy packing, unpacking, and trying to sell our other house. Still haven't sold our other house, but that' s okay- I think. We've been in BC for almost 2 weeks and we love it. It's slowly becoming home and I've enjoyed making it our home. I was VERY sad leaving our other house and it took me a couple of days to shake the feeling. It was my first home. I lived at home in the same house for 24 years, lived in an apartment for several years and have lived with Robert being married for 3 years. I am happy to be home!
Life has been good and I've missed nothing from the adoption journey that we were on. I so badly want a child, especially now that I have room for a 3rd person. All the nursery is packed up in boxes and they are in the room that we want to be the nursery. It's just waiting. I have no idea where or when the next chapter will begin in our lives. I have truly turned it over to the Lord. Yes, I vaguely look at options, but nothing catches my attention at the moment. Sunday was Daria's 2nd birthday, the beautiful little girl referral we turned down, in Feb. I thought about her all day and hoped she was having a special day. She'll always have such a special place in my heart. I felt at peace about her and still do. She wasn't meant to be my child. I don't understand, but again, it's not for me to understand. I'm totally in love with adoption and I know there is a reason the Lord gave me the burden when I was just a little girl.
I'm happy and so blessed!


Sweet Memories said...

I'm so glad to read that you are doing great !!. Enjoy your new home and the peace you feel about your decision. Your baby girl is in the Lord's hands. The best place to be!. So trust in Him and His promises. He'll tell you when the time comes to meet her.

We love you both,

Anthony and Kari said...

Have a great weekend!


Heather Brandt said...

I just wanted to say that I'm still praying that God will make clear His will for your life, particularly as it pertains to your desire to be a mother.

God bless,

Heather Brandt