Monday, July 14, 2008

Is it you, Lord?

Well, today I decided to blog about what most people that check out my blog want to know. Are we still adopting or pursuing adopting? Yes, we are. We ended the journey to Russia at the end of February and we attended our first adoption related seminar in May. I had to take a few months off just to clear the air and live normally again. Anyone who is the paper worker of the adoption process for their family knows that your life becomes consumed with mail and documents. I lived this way for 2 years. Shortly after, we moved, and now I'm selling Avon. I'm starting to think I'm hyper and I just can't sit still very long. Life never slowed down and you know that there is no such thing as normal. A few weeks ago I applied with a local agency to do a domestic (U.S.) adoption, just to see. Today I got the rejection letter saying they couldn't work with us because of Robert's age. Yes, it hurts. I'm very pro agency and even though it is expensive I was ready to tackle it again. On the flip side, because I always try to dig and see the best in everything, I may have gotten a sign. I've been praying for one, because I've been going through a lot of confusion lately. At the end of this letter it told us to investigate adopting through the state, CPS and how there are so many children out there that need a home that the state has taken them away from their biological parents. Well, the seminar we attended in May was for Foster to Adopt, with the state (CPS). We don't want to be foster parents, we want to be parents. The state has a program that has those children "labeled" that they will most likely be adoptable. We still have to go through the foster program and get certified as foster parents. The next PRIDE classes start in Oct. so we've done everything until then. Is this a it you, Lord?

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