Friday, May 16, 2008

Toledo Bend

Since a faithful reader requested that I post, here it is. I'm sorry I haven't posted; there just hasn't been anything too exciting to blog about. The last month has been busy! The school year is winding down, 9 more days, so I barely have time to breathe. Last weekend we celebrated Mother's Day at our new home and we had a great time. I wanted to host it to keep my mind off the whole holiday. This is the first year that I actually felt weird, because I wasn't pursuing being a mother. That's hopefully about to all change.
I did take the day off today so we could enjoy the weekend at the lake. It's been since September since we've been there, so we're super excited to get away and try some fishing. Maybe I'll catch a big one this weekend and I'll have something exciting to blog about!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Hehe...thanks! I hope you have an AWESOME weekend!