Thursday, June 19, 2008

Seleina Jean

I just love the summer. I have yet to be really bored. This summer I have been so busy, but a good busy. I'm usually adjusted by now to sitting around doing much of nothing and sleeping late, past 9. For some reason I've been getting out of bed usually before 8, because I don't want to waste a day sleeping. By 8, I've already slept 9 hours. That's plenty! Usually after Robert leaves for work after 5:30 I usually have really wacky dreams that make no sense, anyway.
Today I had lunch with my best friend Seleina, and her 2 year old, Mariska. I missed Mariska's birthday last month because we were vacationing at the lake and I had a birthday gift to give. I had actually scheduled us to go to the lake before I got the invite- sorry! Seleina and I met in 6th grade in our Math class, so that would put us friends for over 19 years. WOW! She has been the one friend who has stuck with me through everything...everything. She knows all about me and accepts me for- me! Seleina is a dispatcher and I admire her dedication to our county. It's been hard being a Mom working shift work and I'm hoping bigger and better things come her way, soon! I love you Seleina Jean!

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